Columbus Circle Globe New York

A silver globe towers over the north side of Columbus Circle, Manhattan Island, New York City.  Columbus Circle, on the southwest corner of Central Park and located along the famous Broadway avenue in New York, is the reference point from which all official distances from New York are measured.  The controversy over Columbus’ legacy notwithstanding, the journeys of Columbus across the Atlantic in the 15th century became a reference point for the modern era.


Lincoln at Union Square New York City

An effigy of President Lincoln presides over the busy Union Square on Manhattan Island, New York City.  Union Square appropriately hosts the 16th president, watching over a bi-weekly farmer’s market, artists, protesters, and youth on skateboards.  A Virginia historian recognizes his legacy in terms of the Shenandoah Valley Burning in 1864, but nevertheless Lincoln kept the Union together, for which we are grateful.


Virginia Tech Burruss Hall

Burruss Hall at Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, Virginia, was the site for a recent family graduation from medical school.  The storied Hall holds up to 3000 people, and on this day for the Virginia College of Osteopathic Medicine 2014 graduation, it was full.  Virgina Polytechnic Institute and State University is an outstanding institution of higher learning in southern Virginia.
