The Information Superhighway has changed schools. In the 1970s high schools had books, magazines, and traditional libraries. Today students can access a world of resources on computers in their classrooms. The Kennel Charles Church History desk (right), with Martyrs Mirror on the top shelf, hosts a state-of-the-art computer that brings information to the student in the history teacher’s classroom at Eastern Mennonite High School, Harrisonburg, Virginia.
Tag Archives: Eastern
Virginia Mennonite Conference Archives shelves, Harrisonburg, Virginia
Virginia Mennonite Conference Archives shelves, Harrisonburg, Virginia, a photo by MennoniteArchivesofVirginia on Flickr.
A hundred and seventy-five years worth of materials are stored in these archives. Like a detective, the historian searches through these boxes for the stuff of history: letters, journals, diaries, receipts, advertisements, photos, and scrapbooks.